Personal Greetings

Funny Voice Mail Greetings
Funny pre-recorded voice mail and answering machine messages.
Custom Voice Greetings
Personal voice greetings custom made just for you. Create your custom greeting through our business section.
Dazzle your friends and callers with a professional voice greeting customized just for you. Or make them laugh with a funny pre-recorded voice greeting!
No matter which one you are looking for we have plenty of voice samples, from serious and professional to downright whacky!
Cell Phone — Home Phone — Work Phone
Using our Do-It-Yourself call attendant, you can upload your professional voice greeting into any voicemail system you can call into in the U.S. or Canada - including your cell phone and home phone! (Click Here to Learn How)
Funny Voice Greetings
Have callers laughing uncontrollably when they reach your voicemail or answering machine!
We have over 20 pre-recorded voice mail greetings to choose from, so there is something for everyone!
Our funny voice mail greetings are uploadable to any voicemail system or answering machine you can call into to change your greeting, so you can have a funny voice greeting on your cell phone or home phone! (Click Here to Learn How)
All voice greetings are delivered at the time of purchase in a .zip file containing a .wav file, an .mp3 file, and instructions to use our automated call attendant to upload your voice greeting to any phone system you can call into.
Listen to our Funny Voice Mail Greetings now!
Customized Voice Greetings
Create your custom greeting through our business section. Callers will be impressed when they hear your custom tailored professional voice mail greeting. They will see you as classier and more put-together than before.
Our custom voice greetings are uploadable to any voicemail system or answering machine you can call into to change your greeting, so you can put your custom voice greeting on your cell phone, home phone or work phone! (Click Here to Learn How)
Get started by choosing from Over 20 Voice Samples, add optional background music, then modify one of our scripts or write your own.